Custom Query (13 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#100 Assertion failure when terminating subscription with PJSUA-API bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#277 GUID generation cannot generate more than 2^16 unique numbers on Linux (thanks Igor Sobinov) bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#279 Bug with authenticating response causing STUN responses to be dropped bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#283 Added another pjsua IM callback with the message passed as argument (thanks Paul Levin) bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#284 Failed scenarios with CANCEL requests (thanks Esbjörn Dominique) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#285 ICE transport stops receiving packet upon getting ICMP unreach on Windows bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#286 Bug in STUN FINGERPRINT verification and logging STUN message bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#287 Selective authentication for STUN error responses bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#288 ICE role error on re-INVITE and ICE auth error when sending 487 (Role Conflict) response bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#291 Free memory read reported by Purify in PUBLISH session bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#293 Uninitialized memory read reported by Purify in SIP authentication bennylp defect minor pjsip trunk
#295 Uninitialized memory read reported by Purify in sound device bennylp defect minor pjmedia trunk

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#282 Memory problems with Purify bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.