Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#2142 Export pjmedia_echo_flag to PJSUA2 SWIG Java interface bennylp enhancement normal trunk 6 years
#2156 Object slicing in MediaFormatVector bennylp defect normal trunk 6 years
#2158 Avoid shared PJSUA2 Call instance in call transfer scenario bennylp enhancement normal trunk 6 years
#2159 Add synchronization for Endpoint::libRegisterThread() bennylp defect normal trunk 6 years
#2173 On PJSUA2, application will not be notified when when SDP nego fails due to unsupported codec. bennylp defect normal trunk 6 years
#2184 PJSUA2 cannot switch from null audio device nanang defect normal trunk 5 years
#2189 PJSUA2: thread safety issue in list of objects nanang defect normal trunk 5 years
#2194 onStreamDestroyed callback is not called upon call disconnection ming defect normal trunk 5 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.