Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#321 Assertion in ICE stream transport when STUN is not used (thanks Frank Nießen) bennylp defect normal trunk 18 years
#322 Crash in ICE when adding peer reflexive candidate bennylp defect normal trunk 18 years
#344 ICE negotiation failed when remote doesn't support RTCP bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#368 STUN keep-alive timed out when ICE is used bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#372 Handle case where STUN mapped address has changed in ICE bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#374 Update STUN specification from rfc3489bis-06 to rfc3489bis-10 bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#382 Update ICE from draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-14 to ice-18 specification bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#392 Added configuration to enable old, rfc3489bis-06 and older, style of MESSAGE-INTEGRITY and FINGERPRINT calculation bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#399 Added tool to perform NAT type detection/classification bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#369 ICE negotiation fails after endpoint has been idle for long time bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
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