Custom Query (11 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1752 Resolve hostname when trying to get the network interface bennylp enhancement normal trunk 11 years
#1755 Send ACK for incoming 200/INVITE even after call is disconnected bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1756 A race condition in SIP transaction termination bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1760 Ability to get access to TCP socket handle of the SIP transport bennylp enhancement normal trunk 10 years
#1761 Remove "timer" from Supported header if it is disabled bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1764 Use latest early media SDP received on forked early media on 18x response. bennylp enhancement normal trunk 10 years
#1766 Assertion due to stray retransmit timer in UAC transaction completed state bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1770 Issue with "other params" quotes when proxying WWW-authenticate header bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1773 Crash caused by race condition between transport destroy and callback bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1774 Unfreed transports upon stack shutdown/restart bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
#1781 Don't update dialog route set from UPDATE response bennylp defect normal trunk 10 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.