Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#340 File access problem on WinCE bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#343 Canceling pending ioqueue operation in Symbian causes assertion failure bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#348 Various bugs in string comparison functions bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#376 Bug in ioqueue prevents re-registering more than PJ_IOQUEUE_MAX_HANDLES (thanks Phil Torre) bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#314 Added PJ_SAFE_POOL configuration in PJLIB to track down memory corruptions bennylp enhancement normal trunk 18 years
#315 Ability to override pj_assert bennylp enhancement normal trunk 18 years
#333 Added buffer overflow detection in vsprintf emulation for Symbian bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#358 Link dynamically with IPHLPAPI.LIB (thanks Jim Gomez) bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#367 Hash table will duplicate the hash key (thanks Scott Lu) bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
#403 Ability to specify RConnection instance etc in PJLIB Symbian bennylp enhancement normal trunk 17 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.