Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#8 Fix escaping rules in To/From tag and Via parameter new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#9 Implement audio preprocessor in PJMEDIA new bennylp enhancement Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#15 Via branch parameter should be compared case-insensitively new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#16 pj_hex_digits in ctype.c should be made const new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#88 URL selection menu not working for all pjsua commands new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#647 Assign STUN and TURN as default candidate only when the resolution/allocation is complete (thanks Stephen D. Strowes for the suggestion) new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#949 Refreshing session in Session Timer should also notice media transport attributes in SDP offer/answer. new bennylp defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
#1198 Wrong RTCP loss period calculation with multiple frames per RTP packet new nanang defect Known-Issues-and-Ideas minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.