Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1049 PJSUA-LIB should report disconnection event immediately after pjsua_call_hangup() is called new bennylp enhancement normal release-2.10
#1082 Plain SIP URI is used in Contact header with SIPS destination new bennylp defect normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas
#1169 Automatically retry the re-INVITE or UPDATE request upon receiving 419/Request Pending response new bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas
#1217 Support for custom presence message body with existing PJSUA-LIB buddy management new bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas
#1293 Option to specify explicit entity-tag in PUBLISH request (thanks Johan Lantz for the suggestion) new bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas
#1840 Review API pjsua_transport_close() new bennylp defect normal release-2.10
#2146 Revisit IPv4/IPv6 settings and behavior in pjsua new bennylp defect normal release-2.10
#2246 Specify audio/video direction when making/answering call new enhancement normal release-2.10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.