Custom Query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1499 Crash in libsrtp when handling certain RTCP packets (thanks Saúl Ibarra Corretgé for the patch) bennylp defect normal third-party common
#1502 WAV player with NO_LOOP option still plays samples from start in the last frame (thanks Dmitry Dudkin for the patch) nanang defect normal pjmedia common
#1503 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal common 1.x-branch
#1505 Cannot modify account ID or registrar (thanks Peter Koletzki for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib common
#1507 pjsua_transport_get_info() not support TLS (thanks Gustavo Garcia Bernardo for the patch) bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib common
#1510 Sharing and assertion problem with ALSA device nanang defect normal pjmedia common
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