Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#606 Problem in Symbian build: 'null_audio.lib not found'. nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#607 Assertion and possibly crash in ICE stream transport when client is not behind NAT (thanks Nicolas Fauvel for the report) bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#609 Build/compilation error in Python module (undeclared dec_fmtp_mode/enc_fmtp_mode) (thanks Saúl Ibarra for the report) bennylp defect normal python trunk
#610 Added sample to create a media transport adapter, similar to how SRTP media transport works nanang enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#612 Crash/floating point exception in pjsua "dq" command on ARM platform bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#615 Error adding new buddy in the on_incoming_subscribe() callback (thanks Joseph Maiquez for reporting the error) bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#617 Assertion "Not enough buffer for SDES packet" when using a very low bandwidth codec (thanks William Wong). nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#608 Added API to retrieve media transport and session from pjsua call bennylp enhancement minor pjsua-lib trunk
#613 Added packet discard statistic in pjsua "dq" output bennylp enhancement minor applications trunk
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