Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#975 Symbian timer heap implementation unable to schedule duration more than 2147 seconds (thanks Nir Elkayam for the report) bennylp defect critical trunk fixed
#950 Support for QoS settings (TOS, DSCP, WMM, 802.1p) for sockets bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#972 setsockopt options compatibility on various platforms (thanks Yann, John Ridges, and Dan Arrhenius for the reports) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#973 pj_ioqueue_accept() fails on Windows NT IOCP backend if connection is immediately available and the "local" parameter is NULL (thanks John Ridges for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#980 Memory pool alignment error when alignment is set to be greater than 4 bytes (thanks John Ridges for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#981 New pj_perror() and PJ_PERROR() APIs to print error message to the log bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#984 Active socket fails to accept two or more concurrent incoming connections. bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#989 Issues with Windows Unicode build (thanks Michele Cicciotti for the patch) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
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