Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1788 Add support to allow INVITE/reINVITE with unknown body (content-type) bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1795 Assertion if ending 100rel session when invite on early state bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1800 Crash in SIP resolver when DNS server return lot of addresses bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1808 Crash in pjsip_inv_terminate() (thanks to Brian Walker for the patch) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1807 Crash when shutting down library while having subscription transactions on going bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1838 Enable application to provide its own external resolver implementation bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1805 Make UAS as refresher in session timer when UAC doesn't support it (thanks to Glenn Walbran for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1791 Possible crash when trying to cancel sdp negotiation upon receiving UPDATE response bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1821 Remove unnecessary locking in pjsip transaction and add new API to create a group lock with handler in a single atomic instruction bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1806 SSL/TLS setting to set protocol operation bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1819 Use expiration field to indicate registration/unregistration in registration callback bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.