Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1244 How to set bandwidth nanang defect minor 2.0-dev-branch fixed
#1443 Missing destroy method in opencore-amrnb codec factory (thanks Werner Dittmann for the fix) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1453 Memory leak in setting default video codec parameters (thanks Bo Shi for the feedback) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1469 Configure does not detect and set ffmpeg dependency to x264 properly causing link error nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1472 Modify video port to create its own clock instead of using the device's clock nanang enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1473 Frame rate setting for H263 encoder is ignored nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1475 Incoming video quality degraded a lot when encoder MTU setting decreased to half nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1476 Control video packets send rate (thanks Faba Aa for the feedback) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1479 Apply RTCP enhancements for video stream nanang enhancement normal trunk fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.