Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#969 Improvement in jitter buffer algoritm for low bandwidth network (thanks Emil Sturniolo for the suggestion) nanang enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1009 Support for the latest Intel IPP version and using Intel IPP on MacOS Intel platform nanang enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1025 Support for using alternate third party PortAudio, Speex, and GSM libraries nanang enhancement normal trunk fixed
#766 Bad audio quality (possibly in resampling) in Linux (thanks Thomas Kluge for the report) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#998 Unhandled SDP attribute a=sendonly/recvonly/sendrecv/inactive in session level (thanks Rafael Maia for the reports) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1008 Playback not working when using VAS AMR codec on few S60 devices nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1027 Stream sends no audio when using passthrough codecs and bypassing audio switch board (Thanks Yuri Maliy for the report) nanang defect normal trunk fixed
#1042 The pjmedia echo cancellation wrapper causes Speex AEC to stop working (thanks Bill Gardner for the report) nanang defect major trunk worksforme
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