Changeset 961 for pjproject

Feb 17, 2007 7:38:21 PM (18 years ago)

Updated documentation and sample for media conference with regard to maximum value for audio level adjustment

2 edited


  • pjproject/trunk/pjmedia/include/pjmedia/conference.h

    r875 r961  
    387387 * Get last signal level transmitted to or received from the specified port. 
     388 * This will retrieve the "real-time" signal level of the audio as they are 
     389 * transmitted or received by the specified port. Application may call this 
     390 * function periodically to display the signal level to a VU meter. 
     391 * 
    388392 * The signal level is an integer value in zero to 255, with zero indicates 
    389393 * no signal, and 255 indicates the loudest signal level. 
    409413 * Adjust the level of signal received from the specified port. 
    410  * Application may adjust the level to make the signal received from the port 
    411  * either louder or more quiet, by giving the value from +127 to -128. The 
    412  * value zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,  
    413  * and the value of +127 will make the signal twice as loud. 
    414  * 
    415  * @param conf          The conference bridge. 
    416  * @param slot          Slot number. 
    417  * @param adj_level     Adjustment level, with valid values are from -128 
    418  *                      to +127. A value of zero means there is no level 
     414 * Application may adjust the level to make signal received from the port 
     415 * either louder or more quiet. The level adjustment is calculated with this 
     416 * formula: <b><tt>output = input * (adj_level+128) / 128</tt></b>. Using  
     417 * this, zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,  
     418 * and the value of +128 will make the signal 100% louder, +256 will make it 
     419 * 200% louder, etc. 
     420 * 
     421 * The level adjustment value will stay with the port until the port is 
     422 * removed from the bridge or new adjustment value is set. The current 
     423 * level adjustment value is reported in the media port info when 
     424 * the #pjmedia_conf_get_port_info() function is called. 
     425 * 
     426 * @param conf          The conference bridge. 
     427 * @param slot          Slot number of the port. 
     428 * @param adj_level     Adjustment level, which must be greater than or equal 
     429 *                      to -128. A value of zero means there is no level 
    419430 *                      adjustment to be made, the value -128 will mute the  
    420  *                      signal, and the value of +127 will make the signal  
    421  *                      twice as loud. 
     431 *                      signal, and the value of +128 will make the signal  
     432 *                      100% louder, +256 will make it 200% louder, etc.  
     433 *                      See the function description for the formula. 
    422434 * 
    423435 * @return              PJ_SUCCESS on success. 
    431443 * Adjust the level of signal to be transmitted to the specified port. 
    432  * Application may adjust the level to make the signal transmitted to the port 
    433  * either louder or more quiet, by giving the value from +127 to -128. The 
    434  * value zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,  
    435  * and the value of +127 will make the signal twice as loud. 
    436  * 
    437  * @param conf          The conference bridge. 
    438  * @param slot          Slot number. 
    439  * @param adj_level     Adjustment level, with valid values are from -128 
    440  *                      to +127. A value of zero means there is no level 
     444 * Application may adjust the level to make signal transmitted to the port 
     445 * either louder or more quiet. The level adjustment is calculated with this 
     446 * formula: <b><tt>output = input * (adj_level+128) / 128</tt></b>. Using  
     447 * this, zero indicates no adjustment, the value -128 will mute the signal,  
     448 * and the value of +128 will make the signal 100% louder, +256 will make it 
     449 * 200% louder, etc. 
     450 * 
     451 * The level adjustment value will stay with the port until the port is 
     452 * removed from the bridge or new adjustment value is set. The current 
     453 * level adjustment value is reported in the media port info when 
     454 * the #pjmedia_conf_get_port_info() function is called. 
     455 * 
     456 * @param conf          The conference bridge. 
     457 * @param slot          Slot number of the port. 
     458 * @param adj_level     Adjustment level, which must be greater than or equal 
     459 *                      to -128. A value of zero means there is no level 
    441460 *                      adjustment to be made, the value -128 will mute the  
    442  *                      signal, and the value of +127 will make the signal  
    443  *                      twice as loud. 
     461 *                      signal, and the value of +128 will make the signal  
     462 *                      100% louder, +256 will make it 200% louder, etc.  
     463 *                      See the function description for the formula. 
    444464 * 
    445465 * @return              PJ_SUCCESS on success. 
  • pjproject/trunk/pjsip-apps/src/samples/confsample.c

    r815 r961  
    355355            } 
    357             if (!input("Enter level (-128 to +127, 0 for normal)",  
     357            if (!input("Enter level (-128 to >127, 0 for normal)",  
    358358                              tmp2, sizeof(tmp2)) ) 
    359359                continue; 
    360360            level = strtol(tmp2, &err, 10); 
    361             if (*err || level < -128 || level > 127) { 
     361            if (*err || level < -128) { 
    362362                puts("Invalid level"); 
    363363                continue; 
    381381            } 
    383             if (!input("Enter level (-128 to +127, 0 for normal)",  
     383            if (!input("Enter level (-128 to >127, 0 for normal)",  
    384384                              tmp2, sizeof(tmp2)) ) 
    385385                continue; 
    386386            level = strtol(tmp2, &err, 10); 
    387             if (*err || level < -128 || level > 127) { 
     387            if (*err || level < -128) { 
    388388                puts("Invalid level"); 
    389389                continue; 
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