Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#299 Compile error when PJ_SOCKADDR_HAS_LEN is set bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#300 Assertion error or handle leak when creating thread with PJ_THREAD_SUSPENDED flag bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#304 Memory alignment error for hash entry buffer causing crash on ARM (thanks ChenHuan) bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#310 Memory alignment problem in pool_buf (thanks Esbjörn Dominique) bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#290 Bug in WAV player when frame size is larger than file buffer size (thanks Samuel Vinson) bennylp defect normal pjmedia trunk
#298 New API to get the number of ports registered in conference bridge bennylp enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#297 Bug in handling data from peer in TURN sample application (thanks scott_lvsha) bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#303 Crash on STUN session's keep alive on loss of network connectivity bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#308 Selective STUN authentication for STUN failure responses bennylp task normal pjnath trunk
#302 Behavior in cancelling INVITE session when no provisional response has been received (thanks Esbjörn Dominique) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#306 Error in SIP transport lookup because of memory alignment problem on Nintendo DS (thanks Samuel Vinson) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#307 Fail to parse fully qualified PIDF document bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#311 PJSIP resolver is not destroyed on shutdown (thanks Martin Peterzon) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#313 Error resolving host in PJSIP resolver when DNS response contains CNAME (thanks Esbjörn Dominique) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#91 Timer for buddy presence subscription in PJSUA bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.