Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1421 Audio is missing temporarily if SRTP is enabled due to lock codec feature (thanks Marcus Froeschl for the report) nanang defect normal common fixed
#1422 Option to configure or disable RTCP RTT normalization (thanks Lars Helgeson for the patch) nanang enhancement normal common fixed
#1440 Proper set up of RTCP compound packet (thanks Werner Dittmann for the report) nanang defect normal 1.x-branch fixed
#1447 Infinite loop in switchboard when sound device ptime is lower than call stream ptime (thanks SvenÅke for the report) nanang defect normal 1.x-branch fixed
#1456 Crash on SRTP unprotect after SRTP restarted on replay error (thanks Dan Arrhenius for the report) nanang defect normal 1.x-branch fixed
#1457 Assertion when incoming reoffer SDP contains no media (thanks Ashraf Jaddo for the report) nanang defect normal 1.x-branch fixed
#1458 Cannot create unidirectional sound port nanang defect normal common fixed
#1480 Wav player not rewinding after resetting the position to zero (thanks Han Rui and Alejandro Orellana for the feedback) nanang defect normal common fixed
#1490 Audio issue caused by invalid AMR-NB frame type on VAS-direct (thanks Olle Frimanson for the report) nanang defect normal common fixed
#1494 Use EC options to determine whether to use device/software EC nanang enhancement normal common fixed
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