Custom Query (24 matches)


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Status: closed (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#40 Support for asymmetric encoding/decoding ptime bennylp defect major 0.5.9 fixed
#30 Check the samples_per_frame value of media stream bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 invalid
#44 Bug/crash in pjmedia_enum_snd_devs (invalid) bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 invalid
#47 Packet length not set correctly when media transport fails with immediate error bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#53 Disable silence detector during the first few seconds of RTP transmission bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#54 Add ability to change codec parameter on the fly bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#55 Invalid PortAudio error space bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#56 Periodically transmit RTP packet on silence bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#62 Added option in pjmedia_tonegen_play() to play continuous tone benny;[ enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#64 Allow whitespaces at the end of SDP lines bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#67 WAV playlist support bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#74 Enlarge RX_BUF_COUNT in conference bridge to 32 bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#75 SDP validation failed when port is zero and no format is specified bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#76 No audio on MacOS X 10.4 when resamplilng is used bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#78 Noisy audio with upsampling in the conference bridge bennyp defect normal 0.5.9 worksforme
#82 Disabling codec from autoconf causes link error bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#86 Bugs in WAV playlist bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#87 Conference bridge should transmit silence frame when level is zero bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#94 Bug in level adjustment calculation in conference bridge bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#109 Audio saturation when level is applied to conference bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#33 Add socket handles to UDP media transport info bennylp enhancement minor 0.5.9 invalid
#37 RTCP discard statistic should be increased when invalid RTP packet is received bennylp enhancement minor 0.5.9 fixed
#43 Echo suppressor definition doesn't match the declaration bennylp defect minor 0.5.9 fixed
#70 Frame timestamp not propagated correctly bennylp defect minor 0.5.9 fixed
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